Assignment 2 Algorithms, heuristics and hacks


The first thing I will talk about is Algorithms, with regards to the 3D game I am planning  to make, I will explain how I will be using them. An Algorithm is a simple set of rules or instructions, that apply to the AI character, which a coder puts into a game. These Algorithms are the baseline for creating any type of game, therefore I think they would be suitable for the 3D game I am going to create.  Firstly I could use it to help the AI player or players navigate around the 3D map, this will enable them to move forwards, backwards, left and right.  An algorithm could be used to create a ragdoll affect so that when one player collides with another at speed, one or both players would fall to the ground as if injured.  If the collision is considered to be deliberate by the player not on the ball a free kick will be given to the player that was fouled.  I could also use this to define which of the AI characters is the referee, this would mean that he would not play the game, but would give out red and yellow cards, decide when the ball goes out of play whether a free kick, corner and throw in' will be given.  Algorithms could also be useful to set the distance the players need to be from a corner when a corner is taken or from the player that is taking a free kick. I might also use these Algorithms for game physics which I could apply to the football, making it either light and bouncy or heavier and less bouncy.    

Image result for Algorithms Image result for Algorithms


The second thing I will talk about is Heuristics and how I can use them in my 3D football game. Heuristics is the concept of trial and error, for example if an AI player gets stuck on an object in the game, the Algorithm currently programmed will be scrapped and replaced with an Algorithm that has the solution to the problem. I think that Heuristics could be suitable for my 3D football game because if one of the AI characters get stuck on the goal posts or in the net, that player becomes unusable which stops the flow of the game giving the opposition an advantage. If a solution can be found quickly the flow of the game is not really interrupted and flows much more freely.    

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The third thing I will talk about is Hacks and if it would be suitable for me to use them in my 3D game or not.  Hacks is regarded as lazy coding because it allows enemy AI's to gather information about the player or environment that they should not have access to, this can result in enemies spawning on a player or allowing the enemy to know how many bullets it will take to kill them.  Gamer's often consider this to be a bad thing as it gives the enemy an advantage.  However in some cases it is a good thing because it can be used for cinematic scenes, where a player might get overrun by enemies and have to fight them off thus giving a challenge and increasing the gamer's immersion. I think that Hacks would not be suitable for my 3D football game as there is no need for cinematic scenes or players spawning. But I had an idea for a shooter game which I think Hacks would be perfect for, because I could have cinematic scenes and players spawning, also allowing allies to spawn to create big battle sequences.  

Image result for AI Hacks



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