Tactics/strategy Artificial Neural Network and Q Learning.

Tactics and Strategy

The subjects I will now talk about in relation to my game are tactics and strategy. These techniques are used by the AI's to overwhelm the player. Tactics are where the AI's make individual decisions to attack the player, for example they could hide in the shadows, snipe from afar or attack from behind cover. Strategy is when the AI characters work together to form an overall  plan to eliminate the player, this can be where the AI's form a large team to attack and overwhelm by volume. I do not think that either tactics or strategy would be particularly suitable for my football game, because there is no real need for tactics or strategies to eliminate or overwhelm AI characters in a sports game. However, I think these would be very useful in my shooter game idea because the AI characters would need to overwhelm the player to eliminate him. 

Image result for Tactics and strategy

Artificial Neural Network

The technique I will now talk about in connection with my game is Artificial Neural Network, this in basic terms is a program that is designed to simulate the human brain, which means that AI characters can learn from their experiences. They also learn how the player plays and can therefore adapt to counter the players play style, this then gives the AI's a great advantage. An example of this could be that the AI character has attacked the player from the front and if this has failed the AI learns from his mistake and next time will attack from behind as they have learnt that the player favours the front. This was used in the game Metal Gear Solid Phantom Pain when the AI's were shot in the head they learnt from this and stated to wear helmets, when attacked at night they used flashlights in order to see the player more easily and if they were attacked from the front and thrown to the ground they would use shields to protect themselves. Also the AI's can learn the ways and tactics that a player uses to play the game, such as using decoys to fool the enemy, they will learn this and implement it themselves to trick the player. In my football game this could be used effectively as the AI characters will learn the most effective way to attack the opposing side and gain control of the ball in order to score a goal. Also the AI's will learn the players play style and adapt to this giving them the upper hand. This will make the game much more realistic and more of a challenge to the player who in order to win will have to keep altering his playing style.

Image result for Artificial Neural Network

Q Learning

The last AI technique I will talk about is Q Learning, this is where AI characters or agents look back at their history having gone down all available paths repeatedly over a period of time, by this repetition they are able to find the best route possible. Each time that an AI character or agent gets to the target they are rewarded with a set value such as 100.  With regard to my game I think that Q Learning could be suitable because the AI character would learn through previous attempts the best route to get to the goal and once they have scored they will be rewarded with 2 points.




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